Attend Our Free Distance Reiki Share on Feb. 2, 2025
2 pm to 3 pm Pacific
Once you sign up you'll be sent the zoom invitation to attend our next Distance Reiki Share
You are invited to join our next Distance Reiki Share!
Join our monthly Distance Reiki Share and experience Reiki and healing wherever you are!
A Distance Reiki Share is an online gathering of Reiki practitioners who practice and receive Reiki at a distance. These sessions are open to all levels of Reiki practitioners, from beginners to experienced. If you are brand new to Reiki, you are also invited to attend to receive Reiki.
Saturday, February 1, 2025, 2 pm Pacific
No problem. If you are not a Reiki Practitioner, you will be receiving Reiki. You will have this opportunity to receive Reiki and learn a little more about it.
Reiki 2 and Master Practitioners will be receiving and ALSO giving Reiki. All are welcome, even non Reiki participants
Stress and Anxiety Reduction
Overall Well-Being
How it works:
Reiki practitioners can send healing energy to recipients by distance
Practitioners use Reiki symbols for Distance and use symbols for harmony and emotional well-being
A Reiki Share is made up predominantly of Reiki Practitioners who send Reiki to individuals and small groups, for better health physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Our time together will begin with a short, grounding and centering Meditation
We usually also Send Reiki to current events in the world at large (such as the Los Angelos fires that have ravaged so many homes, property and lives).
Reiki is always used for good. We are sending for the most benevolent outcome and the Highest Good.
If a practitioner, you can expect to be Sending Reiki and Receiving Reiki from the Group. If you are new to Reiki, you can expect to learn a lot, feel the effects of the goodness and receive Reiki.
You can expect to feel the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental well-being that comes from experiencing Reiki.
You can expect to be at the Distance Reiki session for approximately 1 hour.
Each Reiki session will each be about 10 minutes long.
You will join via a Zoom link 5 to 10 minutes before we start so you are settled in when we begin at the top of the hour.
Most of us have used Zoom before, but in case you haven't, you will need to have access to Zoom and before the meeting begins you will need to do whatever is required by Zoom to have access.
Attend Our Free Distance Reiki Share
Once you sign up you'll be sent the zoom invitation to attend our next Distance Reiki Share