Have you ever thought about starting a Meditation Practice . . . But then thought . . . 


I'm Busy, Who Has Time to Meditate?! You know you need it because you're


*Feeling Harried, busy and need a break?




*You're not even sure where to start, and the guided meditations on YouTube are sort of overwhelming so you put it off again




Hello, I'm Jacquie and I am a Reiki Master and Meditation Teacher and I want to help people cultivate powerful and easy Spiritual Practices to their Daily Routines!  



Finally, a daily Meditation practice that fits your schedule and makes Meditating consistently super easy!


  • I have created an easy-peasy Meditation Challenge that will guide you daily step by step

  • Each meditation only 10 to 15 minutes in length

  • All you need to do is sit or lie down, push the play button and that day's Meditation is ready

  • Practice when and where you want - during a break, at lunch, before work, or before bed


     You will receive:

  • 30 Morning and 30 Evening Meditations specially curated by Jacquie Freeman, Reiki and Meditation Master

  • Extra videos to help you set your space and to get started

  • More Peace and calm through a consistent and daily practice




YES I'm So Ready to Find My Bliss!

Practice where & when you want each day. 

Cultivate your own inner sanctuary in your home, your yard, laying down, or sitting in a chair or on the carpet.  Let your kitty curl up beside you while you take a short 15 minute break that will fill you with peace & tranquility.  



Imagine not having to search for the perfect Meditation. 

Take 15 minutes, sit quietly, push the "play" button, and I will guide you on a variety of soothing Meditations each day. 

You'll receive 60 Guided Meditations, each only 15 min. long.

Each day, for a month, I will guide you on morning and evening Meditations that include Sound Bowls, Chakra healings, EFT, Affirmations, Somatic, Visualizations, and Inner Guidance.  



Start Meditating! Only $15!

 30 Day Meditations

Introduction to Meditation 

  • Welcome
  • Outdoor Meditating
  • 5 Minute Stress Reliever
  • New Moon or Full Moon
  • Stacking to establish new habits


Day 1 Morning:  I am Enough and Intentions for the 30 Days

Day 1 Evening:  Heart/Life Force Meditation

Day 2 Morning: Pranayama Breathing and Native American Prayer

Day 2 Evening: Ho'oponopono

Day 3 Morning: Full Moon Meditation (you will google when the Full Moon is and do this one then)

Day 3 Evening:  Full Moon

Day 4 Morning:  Visualization of your Goals 30 Days Out

Day 4 Evening:  Setting Sacred Space and I am Worthy Meditation

Day 5 Morning: Beja Sound Mantras

Day 5 Evening: Root Chakra Meditation

Day 6 Morning:  Setting Sacred Space/Heling Light Meditation

Day 6 Evening: Gratitude, Intention and Chopra Inspired Meditation

Day 7 Morning: Prayer of St. Francis, Peace Meditation

Day 7 Evening: Expansion and Calming Meditation


Day 8 Morning:  Inner Smile Meditation

Day 8 Evening: Loving Kindness Meditation 1

Day 9 Morning: Affirmations

Day 9 Evening: Chi Energy Meditation

Day 10 Morning: Skyscraper Visualization

Day 10 Evening: Visualization of Flying

Day 11 Morning:  Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

Day 11 Evening: Peace and Harmony

Day 12 Morning: Abundance Gate

Day 12 Evening: Affirmations

Day 13 Morning: 3 Most Powerful Meditation Questions!

Day 13 Evening: So Hum/I AM

Day 14 Morning: A Core Desired Feeling

Day 14 Evening: Good News, Bad News, Who Knows


Day 15 Morning: Intuition

Day 15 Evening: Ubunto

Day 16 Morning: Chakra Healing

Day 16 Evening: Mudita

Day 17 Morning: New Moon Into Desires (Exchange this for when the New Moon is)

Day 17 Evening: New Moon manifesting

Day 18 Morning:  Ho'oponopono and Sound Bowls

Day 18 Evening: Sacral Chakra and Sound Bowls

Day 19 Morning: New Habits and Solar Plexus Sound Bowls E

Day 19 Evening: RAIN Meditation and Heart Chakra Sound Bowl F

Day 20 Morning: Embody Future You, 3rd Eye Chakra

Day 20 Evening: Abundance Affirmation Meditaiton

Day 21 Morning: Flower Garden Abundance

Day 21 Evening: Silent Meditation


Day 22 Morning: Self Worth Meditation

Day 22 Evening: Gratitude

Day 23 Morning: Loving Kindness (variation)

Day 23 Evening: Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping Meditation

Day 24 Morning: I AM Meditation

Day 24 Evening: Somatic Meditation

Day 25 Morning: Chakra Meditation with Beja Mantras and Affirmations

Dau 25 Evening: Chakra Meditation

Day 26 Morning: Gratitude

Day 26 Evening: Creating Sacred Space Meditation

Day 27 Morning: Sensory Meditation

Day 27 Evening: Heart Chakra Meditation with Sound Bowl pitch F

Day 28 Morning: Core Desired Feeling with colors, sound bowls F and C

Day 28 Evening: Throat Chakra and Sound Bowl G


Day 29 Morning:  Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation

Day 29 Evening: Third Eye Agna Meditation and Antique Sound Bowl pitch A

Day 30 Morning: Culmination Lesson

Day 30 Evening: Culmination Lesson, Chakra Meditation Sound Bowls F and C









Finally an easy, consistent  Meditation practice that guides you so from Day 1 you have the Meditations and the time to find your bliss!

I cannot overstate how this program can help you establish a consistent, daily practice that helps you find your bliss, helps you find your center, your inner balance and peace in only a few minutes each day.