Have you ever thought about starting a Meditation Practice . . . But then thought . . .
I'm Busy, Who Has Time to Meditate?! You know you need it because you're
*Feeling Harried, busy and need a break?
*You're not even sure where to start, and the guided meditations on YouTube are sort of overwhelming so you put it off again
Hello, I'm Jacquie and I am a Reiki Master and Meditation Teacher and I want to help people cultivate powerful and easy Spiritual Practices to their Daily Routines!
Finally, a daily Meditation practice that fits your schedule and makes Meditating consistently super easy!
I have created an easy-peasy Meditation Challenge that will guide you daily step by step
Each meditation only 10 to 15 minutes in length
All you need to do is sit or lie down, push the play button and that day's Meditation is ready
Practice when and where you want - during a break, at lunch, before work, or before bed
You will receive:
30 Morning and 30 Evening Meditations specially curated by Jacquie Freeman, Reiki and Meditation Master
Extra videos to help you set your space and to get started
More Peace and calm through a consistent and daily practice
YES I'm So Ready to Find My Bliss!
Practice where & when you want each day.
Cultivate your own inner sanctuary in your home, your yard, laying down, or sitting in a chair or on the carpet. Let your kitty curl up beside you while you take a short 15 minute break that will fill you with peace & tranquility.
Imagine not having to search for the perfect Meditation.
Take 15 minutes, sit quietly, push the "play" button, and I will guide you on a variety of soothing Meditations each day.
You'll receive 60 Guided Meditations, each only 15 min. long.
Each day, for a month, I will guide you on morning and evening Meditations that include Sound Bowls, Chakra healings, EFT, Affirmations, Somatic, Visualizations, and Inner Guidance.
30 Day Meditations
Introduction to Meditation
- Welcome
- Outdoor Meditating
- 5 Minute Stress Reliever
- New Moon or Full Moon
- Stacking to establish new habits
Day 1 Morning: I am Enough and Intentions for the 30 Days
Day 1 Evening: Heart/Life Force Meditation
Day 2 Morning: Pranayama Breathing and Native American Prayer
Day 2 Evening: Ho'oponopono
Day 3 Morning: Full Moon Meditation (you will google when the Full Moon is and do this one then)
Day 3 Evening: Full Moon
Day 4 Morning: Visualization of your Goals 30 Days Out
Day 4 Evening: Setting Sacred Space and I am Worthy Meditation
Day 5 Morning: Beja Sound Mantras
Day 5 Evening: Root Chakra Meditation
Day 6 Morning: Setting Sacred Space/Heling Light Meditation
Day 6 Evening: Gratitude, Intention and Chopra Inspired Meditation
Day 7 Morning: Prayer of St. Francis, Peace Meditation
Day 7 Evening: Expansion and Calming Meditation
Day 8 Morning: Inner Smile Meditation
Day 8 Evening: Loving Kindness Meditation 1
Day 9 Morning: Affirmations
Day 9 Evening: Chi Energy Meditation
Day 10 Morning: Skyscraper Visualization
Day 10 Evening: Visualization of Flying
Day 11 Morning: Nadi Shodhana Pranayama
Day 11 Evening: Peace and Harmony
Day 12 Morning: Abundance Gate
Day 12 Evening: Affirmations
Day 13 Morning: 3 Most Powerful Meditation Questions!
Day 13 Evening: So Hum/I AM
Day 14 Morning: A Core Desired Feeling
Day 14 Evening: Good News, Bad News, Who Knows
Day 15 Morning: Intuition
Day 15 Evening: Ubunto
Day 16 Morning: Chakra Healing
Day 16 Evening: Mudita
Day 17 Morning: New Moon Into Desires (Exchange this for when the New Moon is)
Day 17 Evening: New Moon manifesting
Day 18 Morning: Ho'oponopono and Sound Bowls
Day 18 Evening: Sacral Chakra and Sound Bowls
Day 19 Morning: New Habits and Solar Plexus Sound Bowls E
Day 19 Evening: RAIN Meditation and Heart Chakra Sound Bowl F
Day 20 Morning: Embody Future You, 3rd Eye Chakra
Day 20 Evening: Abundance Affirmation Meditaiton
Day 21 Morning: Flower Garden Abundance
Day 21 Evening: Silent Meditation
Day 22 Morning: Self Worth Meditation
Day 22 Evening: Gratitude
Day 23 Morning: Loving Kindness (variation)
Day 23 Evening: Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping Meditation
Day 24 Morning: I AM Meditation
Day 24 Evening: Somatic Meditation
Day 25 Morning: Chakra Meditation with Beja Mantras and Affirmations
Dau 25 Evening: Chakra Meditation
Day 26 Morning: Gratitude
Day 26 Evening: Creating Sacred Space Meditation
Day 27 Morning: Sensory Meditation
Day 27 Evening: Heart Chakra Meditation with Sound Bowl pitch F
Day 28 Morning: Core Desired Feeling with colors, sound bowls F and C
Day 28 Evening: Throat Chakra and Sound Bowl G
Day 29 Morning: Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation
Day 29 Evening: Third Eye Agna Meditation and Antique Sound Bowl pitch A
Day 30 Morning: Culmination Lesson
Day 30 Evening: Culmination Lesson, Chakra Meditation Sound Bowls F and C
Finally an easy, consistent Meditation practice that guides you so from Day 1 you have the Meditations and the time to find your bliss!
I cannot overstate how this program can help you establish a consistent, daily practice that helps you find your bliss, helps you find your center, your inner balance and peace in only a few minutes each day.